Imprint is the online presence of the Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz on the Internet.
The information and service offer is provided by:
Museums of the City of Linz GmbH
Ernst-Koref-Promenade 1, 4020 Linz
T +43 732 7070 3600
Company register number: FN 483605 i
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Editor-in-chief: Clarissa Ujvari, Press and Web
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Collection Online: M‑Box GmbH, Schwaz
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We make every effort to research all published content as thoroughly as possible and to keep it up-to-date. Nevertheless, the Museen der Stadt Linz GmbH cannot guarantee complete accuracy. Any liability for damages resulting from the use of the retrieved information and services is excluded.
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In the interest of user-friendliness, we set links or references to external sites, which we check for seriousness beforehand. Since we have no influence on the current and future design of these sites, the Museums of the City of Linz expressly distance themselves from all content of the linked sites. For faulty, illegal or incomplete contents, especially for damages caused by their use, only the provider of these pages is liable and not the Museums of the City of Linz.
© Museums of the City of Linz GmbH, 2021. All rights reserved.