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Julia Tazreiter


A liaison of acoustic signals and water turns the Lentos Reading Room into a sound composition. Water drips onto an audio cable, thus triggering small short circuits, which are acoustically amplified to become audible. Different drop speeds and chance determine the constant minor changes in the composition. Julia Tazreiter thus draws our attention to everyday phenomena, situations, and noises that are all too often hidden, avoided, and ignored. The arrangement of the cables results in a focus on their details, imbuing them with a sculptural dimension at the same time.

Julia Tazreiter, born 1986 in Waidhofen/​Ybbs, lives and works in Vienna. She studied digital art and art and design education at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Julia Tazreiter is interested in site-specific interventions and works with found materials, objects, situations, and spaces in the media of photography, text, language, sound, installation, and performance. Her focus here is on the transformation of everyday objects. Familiar things and phenomena frequently appear used in an unfamiliar way, so that unusual combinations result in new situations.

Curator: Magnus Hofmüller


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