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Turnton Docklands
Time’s Up

  • Exhibition view, Turnton Docklands. Time's Up, 2017
  • Exhibition view, Turnton Docklands. Time's Up, 2017
  • Exhibition view, Turnton Docklands. Time's Up, 2017
  • Exhibition view, Turnton Docklands. Time's Up, 2017
  • Exhibition view, Turnton Docklands. Time's Up, 2017
  • Exhibition view, Turnton Docklands. Time's Up, 2017

Where is Turnton, the livable little town by the sea? It is everywhere where the art collective Time’s Up sets up the backdrop of the charming bar in the harbor of the fictive coastal settlement and creates an evening mood with comfortably muted dim lighting. As indicated by the job offers divulged on the screen above the closed entrance to the harbor master’s office, several posters in the bar, and a random newspaper left lying around, visitors to the town have unwittingly traveled through time. They find themselves three decades later, in the year 2047. It is anything but comfortable here, though – water and soil are contaminated and entire eco-systems have collapsed. However, there are also positive counter-movements, such as the cultivation of purifying algae, which counteracts the pollution of the sea.

Turnton is a utopian, positive proposal for a possible future that serves the common good, envisioned without fear of omissions. The production stages a space, in which the audience is invited to explore and interpret the Turnton Docklands.

The artists’ collective Time’s Up, based in Linz and internationally active, has been working for more than twenty years at the intersections of art, science, technology, and entertainment.


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Museen der Stadt Linz

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