David Rabinowitch, Ellipse in 10 parts, 1974 – 77
David Rabinowitch (*1943 Toronto, CAN – lives in New York, USA) studied physics and English literature from 1963 – 68 at the University of Western Ontario. Mostly self-taught as a sculptor. The location of the “Ellipse” in 10 Parts was chosen so that the ellipse comes to rest exactly in the middle of the grass in front of the Brucknerhaus. Its formation corresponds to the sweeping curve of Heikki Siren’s long building.
“Rabinowitch wants us to view his sculpture neither as a whole divided into segments, nor as individual, separate forms that have been joined together to make a whole. Rather, he intends an ambivalent appearance, a figure at once partial and whole, and that is the key to the synthesis of the arts.” N. D. Rosen
The Forum Metall is located east of the Lentos Kunstmuseum on Donaulände and is freely accessible around the clock. If you are interested in a guided tour, please contact kunstvermittlung@lentos.at.