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Mathias Goeritz, La Serpiente (Die Schlange), 1986 (Entwurf 1953)

  • Mathias Goeritz, La Serpiente (The snake), 1986 (designed 1953)
  • Mathias Goeritz, La Serpiente (The snake), 1986 (designed 1953)
  • Construction Forum Metall, 1977

Mathias Goeritz (*1915 Danzig, POL; † 1990 Mexiko-City, MEX) studied in Berlin from 1934. Travel throughout Europe 1936 – 39. War exile in Morocco and Spain, where he founded the Altamira Art School in 1948. Lived in Mexico from 1949 producing his first sculptures. Opened the EI Eco Museum in Mexico City in 1953 and published his Manifeste of Emotional Architecture. 1954 – 59 teaching activity at Mexico University and consultant for the design of the 1968 Olympic Games. Designed wall reliefs and large-scale sculptures in concrete and steel in Mexico. The Saltiel Community Center in Jerusalem was built to his plans in 1980.

La Serpiente” by Goeritz is, according to the artist, a combination of a fever curve and prehispanic themes.


The Forum Metall is located east of the Lentos Kunstmuseum on Donaulände and is freely accessible around the clock. If you are interested in a guided tour, please contact kunstvermittlung@​lentos.​at.


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