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Herwig Turk & Gebhard Sengmüller

  • Exhibition view, Danube:Island, 2024
  • Exhibition view, Danube:Island, 2024
  • Exhibition view, Danube:Island, 2024
  • Exhibition view, Danube:Island, 2024

Industrial zone, local recreational area and sensitive ecosystem – the Danube is a reconfigured cultural landscape marked by stark contrasts. In collaboration with environmental historian and publicist Ortrun Veichtlbauer the Austrian artists Herwig Turk and Gebhard Sengmüller have chosen this as the starting point for their artistic research: as part of their project Danube: Sediment Shifts in Interstitial Space they have created a complex of works, originally conceived for Vienna, at the interface of art and the natural sciences. These are now being augmented for the exhibition by geographical, ecological and historical aspects of the city of Linz. Using the island as an artistic figure of thought, Turk and Sengmüller combine historical realities – such as the Strasserinsel, which existed in Linz until the 19th century – with current socio-political discourses on the utilisation of the Danube region by means of an artificial island.

Videos, installations, photographs and sculptural objects allow an intensive exploration of the river and its relevance for mankind and the environment. The works shown in the exhibition create a multidimensional, dynamic landscape and interweave different thematic fields into a dense visual narrative.

An exhibition by: Herwig Turk & Gebhard Sengmüller in collaboration with Ortrun Veichtlbauer


*Please understand that we offer our video production in German language only.

#SneakPeek: Herwig Turk & Gebhard Sengmüller.

Panel discussion: The Danube - a built river

Alluvial land: Danube, islands, transformation and autonomy

Supported by


Premium Corporate Partner
Corporate Partner
Awarded the Austrian Eco-Label for Museums
Museen der Stadt Linz

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