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From the Lentos’s collection

  • Exhibition view, Photography. From the Lentos’s collection, 2019
  • Exhibition view, Photography. From the Lentos’s collection, 2019
  • Exhibition view, Photography. From the Lentos’s collection, 2019
  • Exhibition view, Photography. From the Lentos’s collection, 2019
  • Exhibition view, Photography. From the Lentos’s collection, 2019

This exhibition raises the question of how to account for the fascination photography has continued to exert from its beginnings to the present day. What is the essence of photography? 180 years after the invention of photography it has retained its mythical quality: the magic connection that exists between an object and its depiction. The exhibition deals with photography as art and presents movements and individual photographers in the era spanning the birth of the medium in the mid-19th century to our times.

Curators: Rainer Iglar, Michael Mauracher


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