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Come Sing Along!
On Raising Our Voices

  • , The Undercurrent, ,
    Rory Pilgrim, The Undercurrent, 2019
  • Dejan Kaludjerović, I Don‘t Know That Word… Yet!, 2023
  • Maria Lassnig and Hubert Sielecki, Maria Lassnig Kantate, 1992
  • Clément Cogitore, Les Indes Galantes, 2017
  • Christian Jankowski, The Day We Met, 2003

The exhibition explores singing as an act of resistance and empowerment through the lens of contemporary art. The show brings together about 20 artists for whom singing forms an essential point of reference. Reinterpretation, appropriation and the participatory dimension of singing play a particular role. In this sense, the title Come Sing Along! On Raising Our Voices” is a call to unite around common ideals and goals. It thus underscores the political dimension of singing together. When artists explore the origins of popular songs or adopt traditional forms such as lyrical singing or ballads combining them with contemporary themes and meanings, politics and nostalgia, tradition and modernity come together. 

In several projects, the transcultural appropriation of music functions as an empowerment strategy. These artists use music as a way to oppose the systematic oppression and disenfranchisement of minorities by giving them a voice. The works in the exhibition relate in various ways to traditional choral forms, from the chorus of ancient tragedy, through the chorales in classical music all the way to the chants intoned during political demonstrations. 

Combining video installations and performative projects with visual artworks that deal with voice and song, the exhibition aims at conveying visual, auditory and emotional experiences. In cooperation with choirs and initiatives by contemporary artists, artistic commissions will be created to further explore the themes of the exhibition and various workshops and participatory installations invite the visitors to participate in greater depth.

In Cooperation with Anton Bruckner Year 2024

Curators: Hemma Schmutz, Klaus Speidel, Sarah Jonas
Exhibition Design: Jakob Neulinger


Sammy Baloji, Chto Delat, Michè­le Pear­son Clarke, Clé­ment Cogi­to­re, Ines Dou­jak, Noam Enbar, Niko­laus Gans­te­rer, Mat­hil­de Ter Hei­j­ne, Dejan Kalud­je­r­ović, Mikhail Karikis, Hel­mut & Johan­na Kan­dl, Chris­ti­an Jan­kow­ski, Maria Lass­nig & Hubert Sielecki, Rory Pil­grim, Ayu­mi Paul, Ger­hard Rühm, Henk Schut, Bar­to­li­na Xixa, Otto Zitko


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