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Being a Girl*!?
From Panel Painting to Social Media

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    Dwora Fried, Big Red Riding Hood, 2018

What is it that motivates girls nowadays and what role models have been handed down to us from the past? Contemporary art often deals with images of girls in socially motivated contexts: coming of age, self-improvement trends – often in interaction with social media – fluid genders, issues surrounding diversity, interculturalism and inclusion.

Alongside early representational portraits and images of saints, female children and adolescents have appeared throughout the ages as artists’ models or as an expression of the conflict between blossoming life and transience. Organised into nine different thematic sections, the exhibition progresses through several intermediate stages in time towards the era of digital transformation.

Drawing on over 120 exhibits created by international artists, the exhibition attempts to analyse and lay bare the current state of affairs by recalling modes of portrayal that prevailed in earlier times. In taking the initiative, girls show the world who they really are!

Mäd­chen* sein? Krea­ti­ve Work­shops für Mäd­chen­grup­pen und Initiativen

Gemein­sam mit der Kunst­ver­mitt­lung des Lentos wer­den sich bereits im Vorfeld zur Ausstellung unter­schied­li­che Mädchen*Gruppen, Frauen*Vereine oder Initia­ti­ven mit wichtigen Fra­gen aus­ein­an­der set­zen und dafür eige­ne künst­le­risch-krea­ti­ve Her­an­ge­hens­wei­sen entwickeln.

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