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Nika Kupyrova

  • Nika Kupyrova, Simulacra, 2024

Nika Kupyrova’s artistic practice takes form of large-scale installations that explore the storytelling potential of the exhibition space. She finds her source material in literature and pop culture and merges sculptural, digital and audio-visual techniques to offer the viewer a complete universe to inhabit with their personal associations.

For her exhibition in the Lentos, Nika Kupyrova considers dreams, omens and digital algorithms as she follows the apparition of a little white dog through the media of her daily use. Digital artifacts seeping into all parts of our lives create a sensation of losing one’s grip on reality – it is no longer possible to completely separate digital and physical experiences. Instead, the artist proposes asking ourselves the same questions about our digital existence as we do about our physical one: What is consciousness? Are coincidences real? Are the choices I make actually mine?


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