Paris 1945 to 1965
Based on 200 paintings and sculptures, characteristic drawings and graphic works, and several suites of pictures from the most important Parisian photographers, a charged field marked by great figures and influential impulses opens up in the confrontation between representatives of classical modernism who were still alive at that time and the avant-garde of that era. A catalogue of the exhibition is available, which includes about 350 pictures and essays by Austrian and international authors.
There is also a rich supplementary program accompanying this exhibition: in cooperation with the Lentos Modern Art Museum the cinema Linz City-Kino (Graben, 4020 Linz) shows a compact film series on this theme, ranging from popular film classics to little known film reportages from the French post-war era. Chanson and discussion evenings round out this varied program.
Artists (selected):
Appel, Bazaine, Braque, Chagall, Chaissac, Degottex, Dubuffet, Ernst, Fautrier, Giacometti, Léger, Lobo, Manessier, Matisse, Miró, Picasso, Poliakoff, Richier, Saura, Sugai, Tal Coat, Tàpies, Bram Van Velde, Vasarely, Vieira da Silva, Wols, Zao Wou Ki,…