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Touch Nature

  • Vanja Bučan, Sequences of Truth and Deception, 2018
  • Margot Pilz, Restnatur [Remaining Nature], 2023
  • Elmar Bertsch, Barbara Anna Husars Flying Udder crossing the Alps, 2020
  • Claire Morgan, The inevitable heat death of the universe, 2023
  • Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Ziggy and the Starfish, 2016-2018
  • Laurent Ziegler / Georg Blaschke, Gras from the series Gras, 2013
  • Oliver Ressler, The path is never the same, 2022
  • Eva Yurková, Succulents, 2020
  • Mircea Suciu, Still life with movie projection (The Fall), 2023
  • Maren Jeleff / Klaus Pichler, Aspergillus #08 - Lily-Flowered Tulip „Captain Fryatt“ aus der Serie Too close to notice, 2023

The multimedia exhibition is a presentation of international artists who are taking a stand against the devastating political, economic, ecological and humanitarian impact of the Anthropocene. It becomes clear in the process that artists are not only documenting their grievances and formulating resistance but are also designing utopias for a respectful approach to our environment.

The economic exploitation of landscapes, increasing soil sealing and the global repercussions of current consumer behaviour are also addressed, as are world nutrition, the spread of epidemics and the consequences of colonialism. In addition, the investigation encourages a change of perspective. It opens up hopeful visions for a new relationship between mankind and nature.

Touch Nature
is based on the series of exhibitions of the same name, which were presented in a total of 12 Austrian cultural forums in Europe and the USA, and in which Austrian artists engaged in a creative dialogue with their counterparts from the host country concerned. The exhibition at the Lentos is a distillation of this series and presents an overview of how the climate crisis and environmental destruction are currently being addressed in art.

It is in the spirit of the pioneer of ecological thinking, Alexander von Humboldt, who famously wrote to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in 1810: Nature must be felt.”

Curator and exhibition concept: Sabine Fellner

Project assistance: Laurenz Fellner

Exhibition design: wienerhalle


Works by Uli Aigner, Iris Andra­schek, Peter Bartoš, Matei Beje­na­ru, Juli­us von Bis­marck, Van­ja Bučan, Flor­iama Can­dea, Lau­ra Codruța Cer­nea, Adria­na Chiru­ta, Sev­da Chkou­to­va, Lari­sa Crun­țea­nu, Mark Dion, Vero­ni­ka Dirn­ho­fer, Ines Dou­jak, Anna Dumitriu/​Alex May, Lati­fah Ech­akhch, Chris­ti­an Eisen­ber­ger, Tita­nil­la Eisen­hart, Micha­el End­li­cher, İnci Evi­ner, Tho­mas Feu­er­stein, Andrea Fran­co­li­no, Doro­thee Frank/​Ben Fodor, Bir­git Gra­schopf, Nico­la Hackl-Has­lin­ger, Maxi­mi­li­an Hai­da­cher, Jit­ka Hanzlo­vá, Peter Hau­en­schild, Beá­ta Hech­tová, Edgar Honet­schlä­ger, Anaïs Horn, Alfred Hrusch­ka, Bar­ba­ra Anna Husar/​Elmar Bertsch, Göz­de İlk­in, Nona Ines­cu, Fatoş İrw­en, Tobi­as Izsó, Maren Jeleff/​Klaus Pich­ler, Sabi­ne Jeli­nek, Anna Jer­mo­lae­wa, Anne Duk Hee Jor­dan, Johan­na Kan­dl, Eginhartz Kan­ter, Anton Keh­rer, Kit­ty Kino, Auro­ra Kirá­ly, Alex­an­dra Kon­tri­ner, Nina Koželj, David Kran­zel­bin­der, Ele­na Kris­to­for, Hans Kupel­wie­ser, Anto­nio Kut­leša, Chris­tia­ne Löhr, Lin­da Luse, Haru­ko Mae­da, Péter Mátyá­si, Clau­dia März­en­dor­fer, Katha­ri­na Meis­ter, Fer­di­nand Melichar, Kari­na Mend­recz­ky, Syl­vie de Meur­vil­le, Ana Maria Micu, Clai­re Mor­gan, Alo­is Mos­ba­cher, Yvonne Oswald, Moni­ka Pich­ler, Mar­got Pilz, PRINZ­pod, Luisa Rabbia, Julia Reich­mayr, Oli­ver Ress­ler, Hubert Roi­th­ner, Gre­gor Sai­ler, Eli­sa­beth von Sam­sonow, Davor San­vin­cen­ti, Judith Saupper, Hans Scha­bus, Schei­be & Günt­zel, Ramo­na Schne­ken­bur­ger, Gabrie­le Schö­ne, Mar­tin Schrampf, Clau­dia Schu­mann, Marie­lis Sey­ler, Mili­ca Simo­no­vić, Rebec­ca Smith, Paul Spen­dier, Oana Stanciu, Tho­mas Stimm, Mir­cea Suciu, Maria Sza­kats, Adri­enn Újhá­zi, Hana Usui, Dan Vezen­tan, Judith Wag­ner, Man­fred Wakol­bin­ger, Vio­let­ta Wakol­bin­ger, Bet­sy Weis, Nives Widau­er, Eva Yur­ko­vá, Lau­rent Ziegler/​Georg Blaschke

Date Title Time
Sat 08.02Guided tour in Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) through Touch Nature”

Guided tours with sign language interpreter in Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS). Duration 1 hour. Free for people with hearing impairments. No registration required.

4:00 pm–5:00 pm
Sun 09.02Public Guided Tour through Touch Nature”

Duration 60 minutes, max. 25 people, guided tour ticket € 4 (plus admission) No registration required (“first-come-first-served”), in German only

4:00 pm–5:00 pm
Tue 11.02Public Guided Tour through Touch Nature”+ The Collection”

Duration 60 minutes, max. 25 people, guided tour ticket € 4 (plus admission) No registration required (“first-come-first-served”), in German only

4:00 pm–5:00 pm
Thu 13.02Public Guided Tour through Touch Nature”

Duration 60 minutes, max. 25 people, guided tour ticket € 4 (plus admission) No registration required (“first-come-first-served”), in German only

6:00 pm–7:00 pm
Sun 16.02Public Guided Tour through Touch Nature”

Duration 60 minutes, max. 25 people, guided tour ticket € 4 (plus admission) No registration required (“first-come-first-served”), in German only

4:00 pm–5:00 pm
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Nature:Art Days
Fri 09.05 – Sun 11.05

Artist and curator talks, nature-city explorations tracing wild nature, a film evening, and walks to Non-Human Zones.” Organized on the occasion of the exhibitions Touch Nature and Edgar Honetschläger at the Nordico City Museum. Details coming soon.

The Most Beautiful Women Are the Women of the Revolution
Sat 17.05.

Artist Ines Doujak invites you to a parade through the city center. Together, we celebrate land defenders from around the world who strive for a shared future beyond wars and the destruction of our planet. Details coming soon.


Our program invites different school levels to discover the exhibition.

More about the school program

A catalogue will be published to accompany the exhibition by Walther and Franz König Bookshop Publishing. It includes texts in German and English by Sabine Fellner, Josef Berghold, Franzobel, Eva Horn, Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, and Hemma Schmutz.
128 pages


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Awarded the Austrian Eco-Label for Museums
Museen der Stadt Linz

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