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Helmuth Gsöllpointner, Evolution, 1979

  • Helmuth Gsöllpointner, Evolution, 1979
  • Helmuth Gsöllpointner, Evolution, 1979

The co-founder of Forum Metall, Helmuth Gsöllpointner (* 1933 Bad Leonfelden, AUT lives in Linz, AUT) studied at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. In 1955 he founded the department for metal plastic in the training workshops of VOEST Alpine AG. From 1973 he was head of the master class for metal at the College of Artistic and Industrial Design in Linz (today University of Arts Linz) and from 1977 to 1981 rector there (retired in 2001). For his artistic work and services to the city of Linz the artist received many awards. In 2022 he became an honorary member of the University of Arts Linz.

The blockshaped original element of the artwork, based on a simple cubic form, was fanned out expansively and multiple times. The 5mm-hollow construction originally served as the entrance to the underground garage of the bank Oberbank. The object was situated in a water ambient and was accessible via a small bridge. Since 2009 it has now joined the other objects of the Forum Metall.


The Forum Metall is located east of the Lentos Kunstmuseum on Donaulände and is freely accessible around the clock. If you are interested in a guided tour, please contact kunstvermittlung@​lentos.​at.


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