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Herbert Bayer, Fountain Sculpture, 1977

  • Herbert Bayer, Fountain Sculpture, 1977
  • Herbert Bayer in front of Fountain Sculpture, 1977

Herbert Bayer (*1900 Haag/​Hausruck, AUT; † 1985 Aspen/​Colorado, USA) was a pupil at the Bauhaus in Weimar from 1921 – 23. 1925 – 28 teacher at the Bauhaus for typography and graphic art in Dessau. 1928 – 38 Berlin, 1938 – 46 New York. 1946 moved from New York to Aspen/​Colorado. Bayer was one of the most versatile twentieth-century artists to emerge from Upper Austria and was one of the most influential (landscape) designers of his time. He also set new standards as a painter, photographer and sculptor. In 1968 he designed the construction Articulated Wall for the Olympic Games of that year in Mexico. In 1971 he won the Adalbert Stifter Award of the Province of Upper Austria.

The arrangement of the cylinders over which water flows represents a spiral turning in opposite directions and is based on a mathematical progression


The Forum Metall is located east of the Lentos Kunstmuseum on Donaulände and is freely accessible around the clock. If you are interested in a guided tour, please contact kunstvermittlung@​lentos.​at.


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